David G. Rognlie Award
David (Dave) Rognlie was a dedicated and much loved member of the crystallographic community, interacting over many years with a large number of scientists through his activities as owner of Blake Industries which sold diffractometer equipment including Huber equipment. In 2014 he sadly passed away and funds have been donated to establish a triennial ACA award in his memory. The award is intended to embody Dave’s values and personality: His generosity of spirit, optimism, selflessness and unstinting desire to help others to succeed in their endeavors. Dave played a particular role in the x-ray synchrotron community, but had broad and wide-ranging interests in the science and the people doing it across all spectra. The award will be for any meritorious discovery or advance in structural science by someone at any stage of their career. However, it is not intended to be a “lifetime achievement award” but for a particular discovery or development. The Award will recognize an exceptional discovery or technical development of particularly high impact in any area of structural science, to be awarded at any stage of a scientist’s career without prejudice based on age, gender, ethnicity or race. Awarded every third year. May be given to more than one person but winner(s) will receive an honorarium of $3000 and up to $1500 expenses to attend the ACA meeting to present a lecture covering the discovery or development that led to their selection.
History of ACA Rognlie Award Winners: