Ad Hoc ACA Committees
Ad hoc committees (sometimes also known in the ACA as a "task force"), are established for a limited time (typically a year) to address a specific issue. Unlike standing committees, ad hoc committees are less formal and composed of members who are interested in a specific topic and bring personal knowledge or background to the group. The groups are appointed each year, or when needed, by the President. Ad hoc committees report to council and, as with standing committees, they are not to take actions involving the Association funds or prestige, nor use the Association name to solicit funds, nor commit the membership or the officers of the Association to a course of action without the approval of the Council. Ad hoc committees offer a unique opportunity to membership to tackle some of the most pressing issues of the association. If you are interesting in joining or serving on a committee email Kristin Stevens.
Finance Committee
The major goal of the Committee is to sustain healthy financial standards for the Association by:
Maintaining a reserve amount of one year’s worth of endowment funds for the Operating and Meeting budgets.
The Committee shall be kept up-to-date on the status of the accounts on a monthly basis in order to be able to make recommendations to Council. The Bookkeeper will therefore send monthly reports on both accounts to the Committee.
Recommendations to Council should be made on the management of the Operating and Meeting accounts as well as income and expense flows for each account.
The Committee should also advise Council on issues facing the ACA from a financial standpoint.
The Committee will be responsible for creating and reviewing annual Meeting and Operating Budgets.
Review of current membership dues structure.
When request for money for a designated, “ACA activity,” is submitted to the committee or to the Council, a detailed budget must accompany the request. If the request is received after the current fiscal year has been approved, the budget must be submitted to the Finance Committee for review, and to recommend to Council, normally 30 days before the commencement of the activity.
Any contract that has long-term impact on finances of ACA, must be signed by CEO or CFO after it has been approved by the ACA Council.
Any checks written over $5,000 require two authorized signatures, from the CEO, CFO and/or Administrative Director of Services.
To set-up and maintain award and/or reserve accounts as directed by the Council.
To make financial recommendations to the Council at least once per year. Recommendations do not become effective unless approved by the Council.
Site Selection Committee
Members of the Committee shall be the Director of Administrative Services, Financial Officer, and one ACA member chosen by Council who will routinely recommend to Council a meeting site four years in advance. The Committee is authorized by Council to carry out site feasibility studies and to recommend to Council appropriate sites for their approval.
In preparing site recommendations the Committee should obtain relevant materials from the ACA Buffalo office, including criteria for choosing meeting sites and reports on previous meeting sites. The Vice President will be kept informed of potential meeting sites before the Site Selection Committee visits the site. The Vice President should also choose, in consultation with the Meeting Committee, the Transactions Symposium topic and the Symposium Chair. The Committee will receive from Council the appropriate geographical area and target dates. The Committee will look at the various areas and choose a site that appears to have validity.
Considerations for a site include:
• geographical area
• adequate conference facilities for posters, exhibits and sessions
• room rental and food and beverage prices
• hotel sleeping accommodations and accessibility to session rooms
The Committee shall submit a detailed report to the ACA Council on each site visit. Upon approval from Council, the Committee shall review and sign conference facilities and/or hotel contracts. Contracts should be signed before the end of the current year to secure the best possible pricing.