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2022 Meeting Statistics & PoliciesIn 2022 the ACA hosted the 72nd Annual Meeting in Portland, Oregon from July 29 - August 3rd for close to 500 attendees from all over the world. Venue
Meeting Committee
Poster Chairs
TransactionsACA 2022 Transaction Symposium: The Contributions of Structural Science to Tackling a Pandemic: COVID-19 As a Paradigm.
Land Acknowledgment
We want to recognize that Portland today is a community of many diverse Native peoples who continue to live and work here. We respectfully acknowledge and honor all Indigenous communities—past, present, future—and are grateful for their ongoing and vibrant presence. We also acknowledge the systemic policies of genocide, relocation, and assimilation that still impact many Indigenous/Native American families today. As settlers and guests on these lands, we respect the work of Indigenous leaders and families and pledge to make ongoing efforts to recognize their knowledge, creativity, and resilience.
Conference PolicyThe ACA recognizes the positive impact that a conference speaking opportunity has on an individual's track record and visibility. We also recognize that some sections of the scientific community are often under- represented in conference programs, and that this can affect diversity in the long-term. Our policies were developed to ensure quality and equality.
Speaker Invitation PolicyThe program chairs will ensure the highest quality scientific program, with speakers that represent the broad diversity of our community. We aim to achieve a speaker and program chair balance that reflects the make-up of our community without bias with regard to gender identity or expression, sexual orientation, race, religion, geography, disabilities, or national origin.
Reporting PolicyWe will report statistics on the conference website on the geographic and gender balance of invited speakers, selected speakers, session chairs, and attendees. |