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Council 2024

The main governing body of the American Crystallographic Association is the Council. The Council, which meets two to three times per year, sets policy and has the ultimate responsibility for the actions of the association. It is composed of a president, vice president, Canadian representative, secretary and treasurer. The membership elects these officers and each serves a three-year term, commencing on January 1st.

Ex-officio members appointed by the Council are the Chief Executive Officer and Chief Financial Officer. A representative of the Young Scientist Scientific Interest Group is also an ex-officio member. The YSIG makes this appointment on an annual basis. A representative from the International Union of Crystallography may attend Council Meetings but has no voting privileges.



Allen Oliver

Notre Dame




Vice President:

Gerald Audette 

York University



Immediate Past President:

Cora Lind-Kovacs

The University of Toledo




Kushol Gupta

University of Pennsylvania




Stephan Ginell

Hauptman-Woodward Research Institute



US National Division Representative:

Tamir Gonen

University of California



 Canadian Representative:

Sara Andres

McMaster University



YSIG Representative:

Kenneth Childers

Western Washington University



IUCr Representative:

Thomas Proffen

Neutron Scattering Sciences Div, Oak Ridge National Lab



Executive Director:

Kristin H. Stevens